An unhealthy, nutrient-free lifestyle and diet leads to a deterioration in the health of the stronger sex. Erectile function becomes weak even in young people. Getting some nutrients can actually increase it. Which vitamins for male potency are really effective? What role do they play?
Characteristics of vitamins to improve strength
The amount of nutrients needed to maintain the health of men, who come with food, is not always enough. To increase lust and response, you need to take special balanced complexes created to increase the sexual activity of the representatives of the strong half of humanity.
Micro- and macronutrients, vitamins are biologically active substances that are directly involved in the work of individual organs. Their absence leads to a decrease in the rate of metabolism (metabolic processes), including the production of seminal fluid and testosterone, dysfunction of the circulatory, nervous and other circulatory systems.
Vitamins for an erection have the following positive effects:
- strengthening the immune system;
- improve the supply of nerve impulses between the phallus and the brain;
- activate the process of spermatogenesis;
- reduce density and improve blood circulation, which is important for filling the cavernous bodies of the male genital organ;
- provide elasticity to the walls of blood vessels.
If the intimate sphere begins to give up a representative of the strong half of humanity, they become indispensable helpers. Special complexes allow you to normalize all the processes that affect male strength.
Why is male potency weakening and how effective are vitamins?
Diet and a healthy lifestyle are a guarantee of longevity and maintaining strength until old age, but this is very rare, as there are many reasons that negatively affect erection. They prove that training is not the only enemy of good strength:
- alcohol abuse, illegal drugs, and smoking;
- a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, when they practically do not move all day;
- unfavorable ecological situations in the region;
- epilepsy, sclerosis and other neurological diseases;
- constant nervous tension;
- excessive physical exertion, leading to overwork and exhaustion of the body;
- taking antidepressants, diuretics and some other medications;
- diseases of the endocrine glands;
- weak genetic inheritance;
- fear, prolonged depression, neuroses;
- improper nutrition.
The more negative factors, the worse men’s health is. The situation worsens when a man is overweight. Obesity in itself provokes many disturbances in the work of the internal blood supply, which leads to a worse filling of the phallus blood. It can lead to diabetes.
How to choose vitamins for a good erection?
There is no perfect solution. Everyone will have their basic needs for certain nutrients. For some, it is enough to get a regular vitamin complex, while others will already need a more serious complex. What are the most significant biologically active substances? This will show the survey.
If the problem is not neglected, but due to fatigue and poor nutrition, lack of time for fitness, general (universal) solutions can be abandoned. They consist of taking vitamins, which are considered beneficial to absolutely every man, normalize the main processes to restore erectile function.
The best vitamins for strength, libido, sperm production and quality are:
- Vitamin E (tocopherol). Improves blood flow to the male reproductive organ. Accelerates metabolic processes and cell renewal. It is an antioxidant and normalizes the endocrine gland. Responsible for sperm production and maturation.
- Vitamin C. Makes blood vessels elastic. Like tocopherol, it promotes better blood circulation, including blood circulation to the penis. Helps increase testosterone. Reduces the risk of developing prostatitis. Another important property of this substance is the increase of the body's protective functions against cold, as well as the improvement of activity and performance in general.
- Vitamin D. is incredibly beneficial for male potency. It is directly involved in the formation of sex hormones and increases sexual desire. The production of the substance is facilitated by being under the sun, therefore, its deficiency is especially acute in the winter period.
- Vitamins B. They are essential for protecting the liver, improving tone and optimizing other processes. The most important for a man are B6, B9, B12. The first is necessary for the normal functioning of the central nervous system, and the second increases the efficiency and stability of power.
- Vitamin A. Improves the body's protective functions. Stabilizes reproductive function in the stronger sex.
Ideally, the complex should contain exactly these ingredients, but the emphasis can be placed on a few specific groups, as the body may need them.
Trace elements are also important to maintain healthy strength. The most important are zinc, selenium, potassium, magnesium. The lack of the former causes a decline in the male hormone (testosterone), thanks to which a representative of the strong half of humanity has a constant sexual desire and excellent power.
It is selenium that is responsible for sperm quality and increases the likelihood of successful conception. It is often prescribed for the treatment of male infertility as well as problems with erectile function. Proper diet planning allows you to restore good potency.

The best male vitamins for strength
There are a large number of complexes designed to improve erectile function. You should choose one that contains the substances listed above.
Supplements are recommended for lifestyle choices. Athletes (even amateurs) should give preference to complexes designed for those who regularly experience serious stress.
On a note!Libido and testosterone levels are increased by oysters, mackerel, snails, mussels, shrimp and other seafood. Nor should you be distracted by such food. It is highly recommended to keep an eye on the freshness of the seafood.
Reception features
It is best to use vitamins for men to improve strength during or after a meal. Vitamin D should be taken with plenty of water. The release form of the complexes is usually capsules or tablets. The daily wage is indicated on the package and is calculated according to the needs of an adult representative of a strong half of humanity.
It is impossible to abuse even useful drugs. Overdose (violation of instructions) is associated with poor health, vomiting, nausea and disruption of the normal digestive process. As a rule, the manufacturer recommends taking 1-2 pills a day.